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First-born, raised in two French cultures (France and Quebec) and two English cultures (UK and USA), Diane Goullard, was nicknamed Frenchie by an amateur radio friend. Purposeful and warm-hearted, she thrives in her work, translating, proofreading, interpreting, lending her trained contralto voice to voiceovers or narration. You will find her interpreting French <> English in criminal cases in Courts and in prisons, translating business and legal documents of all types in one language or another, lending her voice to act or narrate stories and commercials.

Diane's versatile mind is extraordinary. Reserved, she does not project herself in the life of others, does not speculate or assume, but clarifies, a quality her clients and customers appreciate about her. In her dealings with others, Diane Goullard presents a congenial and sociable temperament, a kind and generous character, and works steadfastly towards achieving mutually agreed upon goals.

Ever since a child, Diane has felt a love for communication, be it silence, words or expression of one kind or another. Harmony would be one middle name if she had one. Diane’s compassion stems from having survived trauma. When she is not rendering the words of others either verbally or in writing, she lends a hand to someone, or digs in her own soul and writes.